Monday, May 19, 2014

Save On Energy: A Misnomer

On May 5, 2014, issued a story by Seth Bornstein, entitled, “Final Fed Climate Report Will Present Dire Picture”.
Mr. Bornstein refers to a shortened version of the previous report issued in 2013, probably by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He also mentions an 840-page report, which presumably is the shortened version.
Mr. Bornstein makes various quotes from individuals. He does not specify whether they were making the quotations within the report or whether the quotes were subsequently obtained from the Obama Administration.
More significant is the content of Mr. Bornstein’s writing. He goes into great detail about the disastrous effects of climate change. He makes absolutely no connection between climate change and carbon dioxide emissions from commercial installations, which has been the continuing theme of the IPCC and adopted by the Obama Administration.
Interestingly, is an organization presumably dedicated to helping individuals find the lowest-cost energy. Both the IPCC and Obama Administration programs involve taxing carbon dioxide emissions from commercial installations, which ultimately leads to higher energy costs for everybody. I suppose it doesn’t make any difference to whether they help you find the lowest energy costs under the present conditions or whether they help you find the lowest energy costs on the conditions which would be imposed by the Obama Administration and which would be at least 20% or so higher for everybody.

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