Sunday, May 18, 2014

More Global Warming Fear Mongering

USA Today says, "Devastating droughts in the Southwest, ruinous floods in New York City, killer wildfires in Colorado, intense heat waves in the Plains: These are the some of the disasters that are being exacerbated by global warming, and problems will continue to worsen in the decades to come, according to a massive federal climate report released Tuesday at the White House."

There are a couple of questions involving the above statement. The first is whether there were not devastating floods, droughts, etc. in the thousands of years before mankind even made an impact on earth? The answer is "yes" supported by historical data of the Earth’s climate.. This being the case, there’s really nothing new for me to worry about. It’s been around for a long time.

. The Second question is why we are suddenly being faced with this horrendous problem as proposed by our federal government? The obvious answer is it’s a political endeavor with the usual leftist intention to obtain control over the populace and extract money from it.

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