Friday, May 9, 2014

Climate Control

Open Email to House Speaker Boehner:

Dear Speaker Boehner,
            One of my Political Associates emailed me that 83% of Bill O'Reilly's viewers believe that the climate control attempt by the White House is A Total Scam, and that I should sleep well tonight. The reference was
            I replied as follows, "Sounds good! Maybe we're making some progress."
            "I have never been concerned about disastrous effects from man-made climate change. I am concerned about the damage done by cases of extreme weather, and that's what I think Obama should be addressing. More studies on tornadoes and how to control them. Studies on the possibility of controlling rainfall, or in its absence of progress some real infrastructure work on dams and reservoirs to control flooding."

            As a separate, but related item, the Daily Caller reported, "White House adviser John Podesta told reporters Monday afternoon that Congress could not derail the Obama administration’s efforts to unilaterally enact policies to fight global warming.
            Podesta said that the president was committed to using executive orders to pass regulations under the Clean Air Act to limit carbon dioxide emissions that they say cause global warming.
            “They may try, but there are no takers at this end of Pennsylvania Avenue,” Podesta told reporters at a Monday press conference at the White House." The reference is

            Podesta is likely correct that the president can use executive orders to pass regulations under the Clean Air Act limiting carbon dioxide emissions. However, every operation of the Environmental Protection Agency requires money, which is authorized by the House of Representatives. I'm sure that the House can limit the amount of funding to the EPA, such as to make it unreasonable for the President to spend available funds in that control.
            Speaker Boehner, this is important. Shutting down all coal burning electricity production plants will have a disastrous effect on the economy. I would have no objection to this under normal circumstances if there was some justification, but there is none. No one has ever shown that there is a relationship between global warming and carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.

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