Monday, October 12, 2009

Pressure for Climate Control

E-mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Obama Urged to Intensify Push for Climate Measure; Backers Fear Administration Is Giving Issue Short Shrift. President Obama is coming under renewed pressure internationally and in the United States to throw his weight behind climate-change legislation, which advocates fear has suffered in light of the president's sweeping domestic agenda. The Nobel committee's announcement Friday that Obama won the Peace Prize was a fresh reminder that much of the world expects him to lead the way toward a global climate pact. The committee cited his "more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges." (".

I strongly suggest that no matter how Obama may be pushed by other world backers of climate change control, it is Congress' responsibility to see that it doesn't happen. I repeat that there is no scientific evidence that increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to global warming and that any efforts to control carbon dioxide concentrations are based on myth, political aspirations, and private financial gain. All of this will come at the expense of the American public, who will be paying billions of dollars to underdeveloped countries for their program support, and who also will be paying significantly higher bills for electricity and transportation as the costs of control equipment and control salaries are passed along to the energy users.

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