Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Masking Cap and Trade

EIN News says, "Senators Link Drilling With Cap-and-Trade. Republican and Democratic senators negotiating a possible compromise on climate change legislation insisted Tuesday that the measure must include provisions to boost nuclear power and expand offshore drilling. (".

On the surface, this is a good addendum but it can do more harm than good.

The main point is Climate Change. Cap and Trade is a misguided effort to control carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, when there is no scientific basis that such control is necessary or desirable. I will say again, "SHOW ME SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE THAT CARBON DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN THE ATMOSPHERE CAN BE RELATED IN ANY WAY TO CLIMATE, INCLUDING GLOBAL WARMING.

There is no question that expanding offshore drilling will decrease our dependence on foreign oil. Similarly, nuclear power will do the same, but at considerably increased expense for new plants. We already have oil refineries and power production systems using oil products.

Continuing with a climate change bill, involving Cap and Trade on carbon dioxide, will lead to further huge budget deficits at the federal level. Money will be frittered away federally and by private industry on carbon dioxide control equipment at electricity producing power plants. Other expenses will include organization of a Cap and Trade system for control in the US and involvement in an international effort, and grants to underdeveloped countries, which have already tipped their hands by announcing that they will not support international efforts unless they are paid billions of dollars.

Simple answer. Kill climate control and all of its manifestations. Continue with energy improvements, such as offshore drilling and increased nuclear energy.

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