Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Climate Control at the United Nations

E-mail to Congress:

I just heard Pres. Obama's address to the United Nations. It was a beautiful description of his plan to eliminate a witch, which he has now identified as carbon dioxide. He would have made the old Salem Witch Hunters jealous by his eloquence.
It is interesting to consider how the President has deviated from standard witch hunt practice. Most witch hunts involve finding a candidate witch, proving it is the witch, and finally conducting execution of the witch. In the president's program, he has found the witch in the form of carbon dioxide, makes no effort in proving it is a witch, and is now conducting the process of execution.
I have said before that no one has yet come forth with data showing that carbon dioxide is a witch, to the extent that is destroying our climate. The early invention of the term "greenhouse gas" was a theory and remains such.
The President's address was enthusiastically received by the UN audience for several reasons. First, he is an eloquent and interesting speaker. He is a major representative of the sugar daddy (US), which supports each of the UN representatives in a luxurious New York style. Lastly, he has promised to dump significant amounts of US cash on underprivileged countries to fight greenhouse gases. Note that a heavy majority of UN members are underprivileged countries.
I realize that the House of Representatives has already fallen into the trap of accepting greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) as a fact and that House members appear to be so egocentric, they believe they can control world climate by control of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. This is a ridiculous assumption, and there is always time for the House to reconsider its position. The Senate has not previously made such a commitment, and all members of both the House and Senate should be astute to absolutely identifying a witch before that witch is persecuted at great expense to US citizens.

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