Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kerry Distorts Data on Global Warming

Secretary of State John Kerry recently addressed an audience on global warming in Mexico. 
According to, Kerry said, "Temperatures in Europe and in Vietnam were “unprecedented” and broke “every record that’s ever been seen.” He also elaborated.
However the facts are:
The temperature at the Vietnam airport on Wednesday was 36°C.. In 1926, the Hanoi temperature was 42° C.
The highest temperature in Europe on Wednesday was 32° C.. The highest temperature in Russia was 44° C in 2010. In Germany, 40°C in 1983. In Italy, 48° C in 1999. In Turkey, 49° C in 1993.
If our Secretary of State uses this kind of distortion of data to make an emotional point, how can we trust him in things that really matter?

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