Sunday, May 25, 2014

Carbon Dioxide: The Present Day Witch

In 1692, things were going poorly at Salem, Massachusetts. There was an outbreak of smallpox, the Indian wars were not going well, and old feuds and disputes within the congregation contributed to general unrest.
In order to alleviate accusations of their own ineptitude, the leaders of Salem publicly attributed the difficulties to Satan. However, that was not sufficiently pragmatic for the people, and it was further perverted to individuals acting on behalf of Satan. By the time the public unrest quieted and leaders still retained their power, 20 people had been killed as witches.
In 2014, society is much more sophisticated, but the old dodges still work. Things are not going well. There is high unemployment, and various federal government scandals concerning Benghazi, the Internal Revenue Service, the Veterans Administration and the National Securities Agency. In addition, the federal government continues to increase its size and power to the disadvantage of the populace through higher taxation, etc.
in order to alleviate accusations of its own ineptitude, the Obama administration has invented another witch; carbon dioxide. With the help of government paid scientists, the carbon dioxide witch program continues to be advanced. Unlike 1692, the higher present degree of sophistication requires some justification for the "witch" designation of carbon dioxide. This is accomplished by issuing a myriad of so-called scientific papers from government paid scientists. The purpose is obviously to convince the general public of the carbon dioxide "witch" status in order to further the federal government's program of emission control, with associated taxation, all leading to a lowering of the US economy and redistribution of wealth.
Do you want to fall for the Obama Administration's development of carbon dioxide as a witch? The general population of Salem did so with individuals in 1692.

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