Saturday, September 18, 2010

Further Weakening of Cap & Trade

E-Mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Drilling Regulations Snagged by Climate Fight. The Obama administration's push to beef up regulation of offshore drilling in the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill could get sidetracked by a battle over the White House's climate-change policy. (".

From the above headline, it is difficult to get a clear picture of what is happening. Delving a little deeper into the original Wall Street Journal article, a few excerpts makes the situation significantly clearer.

The background is that Obama socialistic ideology of redistributing wealth globally must use the big tool of Cap & Trade. This must apply to carbon dioxide emission controls. Jackson, who is head of the EPA and who works for Obama, is obviously following Obama's directives by pushing for control of carbon dioxide emissions from all energy production in the US. Note that in every instance, reference is made to greenhouse gases, rather than defining the exact objective of controlling carbon dioxide emission. We obviously have no difficulty in controlling emissions of Freon and other manufactured chemicals, but carbon dioxide is in a completely different category. First it is a natural product of the environment and second, it's control would be a humongous undertaking involving many billions and perhaps trillions of dollars, which is why the Obama Administration is pushing it.

Here are a few excerpts from the Wall Street Journal article:

"The Senate Appropriations Committee had planned to vote Tuesday on a proposal to fund offshore drilling regulation and the operations of the Environmental Protection Agency. But that vote was canceled." Republicans said, " Sen. Lisa. Murkowski (R., Alaska) would [likely] offer an amendment to prohibit the EPA from spending any money to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants, factories and other major emitters." This threat to control the actions of the EPA, which is the Administration's most powerful socialistic tool in climate control, apparently has worried the Administration to the extent that they even canceled the combined drilling/EPA increased funding proposal.

"Some Democrats have also called for a time-out on EPA regulation of greenhouse gases, saying they worry that such regulations would stifle the economy and threaten jobs." This is a clear indication that the Administration is losing Democratic support for their global Cap & Trade program. Apparently some financially hard-nosed Democrats are starting to recognize the need for improving the US economy and particularly the job situation, rather than pie-in-the-sky global warming.

Randy, this is all good news. Please keep up the pressure to convince other Democrats that there are limits to do-gooder, giveaway programs, especially on an international basis.

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