Thursday, September 2, 2010

Further Exposure of Global Warming Hoax

E-Mail to Congress:

An Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine paper, in traditional scientific format on the relationship between atmospheric CO2 concentration and global warming is at

The details expose the hoax of claiming global warming is caused by a man-induced increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration.

Knowing your shortness of time to cover a multitude of subjects, I present here the Abstract as follows:

"ABSTRACT: A review of the research literature concerning the
environmental consequences of increased levels of atmospheric
carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that increases during the
20th and early 21st centuries have produced no deleterious effects
upon Earth’s weather and climate. Increased carbon dioxide
has, however, markedly increased plant growth. Predictions
of harmful climatic effects due to future increases in hydrocarbon
use and minor green house gases like CO2 do not conform to
current experimental knowledge. The environmental effects of
rapid expansion of the nuclear and hydrocarbon energy industries
are discussed."

In addition, C&EN (8/9/10, p 6) reminds us that the EPA began last December the regulatory process of controlling CO2 emissions by electric utilities, chemical companies, and "other sources". The EPA is now moving ahead with final regulations on motor vehicles.`

Congress gave birth to the EPA and has a responsibility to see that it continues to perform as conceived. As Bill Cosby said to his son on TV, "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out".

The EPA does some good work, and I don't recommend their dismantling. However with respect to CO2 and global warming, Director Jackson appears to have given up her respect for science and has followed the political road of Pres. Obama's idealisms. I believe it is Congress' job to get the EPA back on track or shut it down and start over.

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