Monday, November 16, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Treaty

E-mail to Congress:
EIN News says, "Poor Nations Insist on Climate Treaty Next Month. Poor nations insisted on Monday that a legally binding climate treaty is still possible in Copenhagen next month even though U.S. President Barack Obama and many other leaders reckon it has slipped out of reach. Hosts Denmark, which says time is too short for a full deal at the December 7-18 summit, suggested at a meeting of about 40 environment ministers in Copenhagen setting a deadline of perhaps another year to work out a legally binding deal. (".

We are clearly seeing what is happening here. "Poor" nations were originally holding out for big dollar grants from the US using climate control as an excuse. Now that they see that this is slipping from their grasp, they are willing to negotiate for lesser amounts. All of this has nothing to do with any basic need for climate control, which most of us know is an unjustified pie-in-the-sky.

Someone, either EIN News or the "poor nations", doe not seem to realize that a legally binding climate agreement in Copenhagen is not possible, because of US government procedures. The US Administration may sign the agreement, but it is not legally binding until the Senate ratifies it. We need to continue working on the Senate to convince various members that any climate control is ridiculous in scientific concept, and acceptance of any climate control treaty would compound the folly.

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