Monday, November 30, 2009

Climate Change on Grapes

E-mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Global Warming Could Make Fine Wines Go Dry. A leading organization in France's fabled wine industry sounded the alarm Friday about the ill-effects of rising temperatures on the livelihoods of winegrowers ahead of a climate summit in Copenhagen next month. Climate change has sped up harvests in Burgundy, altered the taste of Alsatian wines and disrupted hydration patterns of grapes grown along France's Mediterranean coast, an industry expert said. (".

This could be good for the US! We now have a high unemployment rate in Michigan. Consider the fact that global warming could lead to a warmer Michigan climate, which would be much more adaptable to growing grapes. Tending vines takes a lot of hand work. We could put a lot of people to work in Michigan as the new wine capital of the world.

Let's not have the US government monkey around with climate change legislation. If the climate is going to change, so be it. We will be able to adapt to it, with many advantages not now anticipated.

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