Friday, October 9, 2009

Promotion on Climate Control

E-mail to Congress:

The October 5 Issue of Chemical and Engineering News claims the Senate and EPA gave a "One-Two Punch on Climate Change".

The first part was a major promotion, with a backdrop of a huge US flag outside the Capitol building. Senators Barbara Boxer and John Kerry announced the introduction of an 820-page climate change bill. They claim the bill will create US jobs, produce clean energy, or by greater national security through oil independence and protect future generations from a changing global climate.

Some of the claims are true.

The bill will create US jobs, as would digging holes and then filling them in.

Production of clean energy is a matter of definition. We already have clean energy. Carbon dioxide is not an air contaminant and needs no control.

We will reduce dependence on foreign oil, if the 820-page bill contains efforts to increase production of nuclear energy. In all likelihood, it doesn't have anything about increasing domestic drilling, which would be a better way of reducing dependence on foreign oil.

Protecting future generations from changing global climate is baloney. It deserves no other comment.

No mention was made of the tremendous cost that would be involved in this misguided attempt to control climate.

You and your various associates in the House and in the Senate need to kill this bill. Dead, dead, dead!

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