E-mail to Congress:
EIN News says, "Climate Bill in Senate Would Devote Pollution Allowances to Easing Energy Costs. Senate Democrats will initially devote 70 percent of the pollution allowances in their new climate measure to making it easier for people to pay their energy bills, Senate Environment and Public Works Chairman Barbara Boxer said in an interview to be aired Sunday on C-SPAN. (washingtonpost.com)".
Another gimmick to fool the public and perhaps Senate members! Note that it says "initially". This likely means one year. However, once climate control legislation involving carbon dioxide is initiated, it will likely run 40 or 50 years. On that basis, the "70% devotion" to the public is reduced to about 1.5%.
However taking this at face value, 100% of the cost of any climate legislation will be borne by the American public in the form of increased electricity and heating bills. If government refunds, which I doubt, 70% to the American electricity and heat using public, the public is still paying 30% more than they are now. In addition, the 70% supposed refund would very likely be unreasonably distributed. I suspect most of it will go to "poor" people to help pay their utility bills on 5-bedroom houses, which they could not initially afford and on which they are now unable to make mortgage payments.
Senators should kill this bill. Fiscally responsible Republicans should cooperate with any Blue Dog Senators they can find.
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