Friday, December 21, 2012

The Continued Drum Beating on Carbon Dioxide Emission Control

In the November 26 issue of Chemical and Engineering News, Cheryl Hoag reports on a UN gathering intended to extend the Kyoto Protocol. The Protocol involves control of carbon dioxide emissions, with the intention of reducing global warming. The new talks will occur in Doha, Qatar, which is immediately an indication that this is an ongoing operation intended to satisfy the participants in nice travel programs.

The Kyoto Accord required industrialized countries to collectively lower their emissions of carbon dioxide by 5% from 1990 levels over a five-year period. The US was not among the signers of the treaty, for which I have to add my hearty congratulations.

Japan and Russia have already said that they will not take on a second set of carbon dioxide emission reductions and the EU has already ill advisedly established legislation to control its carbon dioxide gases at the level being proposed in the new UN recommendation.

All of these meetings and discussions are intended to keep the ball rolling on the ridiculous matter of man-made global warming. Even Elliott Derringer, Executive Vice President of the nonprofit Center for Climate and Energy Solutions predicts that the Doha meeting will will be a relatively low-key affair.

I suppose we can expect this boondoggling to continue as long as the public agrees to financially support government officials and others on such vacation trips. The operators will also be encouraged to continue participation as they receive these benefits and perceive obtaining additional benefits from the public feeding trough.

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