Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reduce Expenditures for Climate Change Research

Congress passed the Global Change Research Act of 1992 to collect information on man's contribution to global climate change. Thirteen departments and agencies were specified for the program. Consistent with all budgetary matters, Congress continues to fund the program annually. The last announced funding a few years ago was $2 billion.

The current political accent is on the economy, including size of government and its cost. Such discussion has been going on for many months with apparently little progress. But we have to start somewhere. Some may say that $2 billion is a pittance. However there are thousands of these pittances in our federal government operations and these involve trillions of dollars.

Why not start cutting this one? Why does the US have responsibility for the determining any possibility of man's contribution to global climate change? If this work seems desirable, would it not be more appropriate to relegate it to the United Nations, to which we already pay substantial sums?

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