Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sen. Kerry's Climate Bill Is a Boogie Man Tax

E-Mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Energy Measure Would Cut Deficit by $19 Billion, Report Says. Senator John F. Kerry's signature energy and climate change legislation would cut the deficit by $19 billion, according to an estimate released by the Congressional Budget Office. The legislation faces strong opposition from Republicans and some Democrats from energy-producing states, but the report gives the Massachusetts Democrat and his allies a compelling financial argument amid concerns about the implications of a burgeoning deficit. (".

I refer to this as the $19 billion Boogie Man tax disguised as Fairy Godmother deficit reduction. If you don't pay the tax, the Boogie Man will getcha! Only young children and halfwits believe in the Boogie Man and that is about the same belief level as those believing that current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contributes significantly to global warming.

If Kerry and his deceptive or misguided associates are unsuccessful in pushing this through, maybe they need a more honest or practical approach. How about everybody with income above $10,000 per year kick in $1000 to a kitty? We then take $500 per donor and distribute it to the low income group. We then take a $250 per donor reduction against the national debt. Finally, we take the last $250 per donor and apply it to new dreamed up spending to get the economy rolling.

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