Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Climate Change Bill Will Radically Reduce American Lifestyle

E-Mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Support for U.S. Climate Regulation Growing, Poll Finds. A growing number of Americans want the United States to regulate greenhouse gas emissions as the largest oil spill in U.S. history helps boost interest in petroleum alternatives, a poll by two universities found. (".

I suppose the public may be thinking that by reducing carbon dioxide emission, we will reduce the use of gasoline and diesel fuel. If we don't use gasoline and diesel fuel, we won't need crude oil from the Gulf or anywhere else and this will eliminate the possibility of oil spills.

Even though there is no relation between carbon dioxide emission and climate change, there are some other favorable aspects to the proposal. The noise level from automotive vehicles will be significantly reduced. People will be more healthful by walking and bicycle riding. People will spend significantly less money on purchase of automobiles and their upkeep.

Unfortunately, there will be some downsides. There will be no pleasure from driving an automotive vehicle. More time will be spent traveling to and from the grocery store. Visiting friends or relatives in other parts of town or the country will be eliminated. Jobs for making and maintaining automotive vehicles will be eliminated. Jobs for producing and refining crude oil will be eliminated.

Everything has its upsides and downsides. I like my automobile. It is very helpful to me for my standard of living. I am willing to spend the money on its upkeep. Any carbon dioxide emitted in its operation will have no effect on climate change.

As a Representative, I suggest you be careful of what people say they want. In many cases "they know not what they do".

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