Saturday, August 29, 2009

Congress is Agent for Consumer

EIN News says, "Lobbyists Elbow for Influence on U.S. Climate Bill. Manufacturers and energy companies sent squads of lobbyists to the U.S. Congress earlier this year to influence the climate bill, an indication the U.S. Senate will face pressure to adjust the legislation ahead of its vote, a nonprofit investigative group said. (".
Many manufacturers and energy companies are not really concerned about whether control of climate is necessary or possible. Their concern is with profit opportunities. They do not question whether there is technical or moral justification for any major project, as long as it may put dollars in their pockets.
These companies and their organizations also recognize that lobbyists are necessary to convince you of the "need" to make those dollars available. Such promotion is in the same category as advertising, which has been found to be effective in increasing sales and profits.
It is the consumer's responsibility to properly judge whether a project or service should be purchased, notwithstanding the advertising. In dealing with lobbyists, you are the purchasing manager for the consuming public. I ask that you take that responsibility seriously.

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