Monday, November 25, 2013

UN Attempt to Destroy the US Economy

Open Email to Chairwoman Kay Granger (TX), House Subcommittee State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs,
 Chairman Edward Markey,  Subcommittee International Development  & Foreign Assistance, Economic  Affairs, International Environmental Protection  and  Peace Cor

Dear Chairwoman Granger  and  Chairman Markey,
        An Associate has been  following the meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Warsaw.
       The stated purpose of the UNFCCC is to organize a "complete transformation of the economic structure of the world".
       A new committee called the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage" was created and work on funding is to begin next year. The Green Climate Fund Board is to begin its initial resource mobilization process as soon as possible with rich countries, including the US, to announce how much they will "contribute" by next December when the UN meets in Lima, Peru. The U.S. agreed to prepare biennial submissions on its updated strategies and approaches for scaling up finance ("its contributions") between 2014 and 2020.
       Rep. Granger and Senator Markey, this UN program is a redistribution of wealth on a worldwide basis by a claimed reason of wealthy industrialized countries having created a climate change scenario which is detrimental to world inhabitants. I remind you that this is a hollow claim. There is no credible scientific evidence that industrialized countries have contributed to deleterious climate change through carbon dioxide emissions or any other action.
       Most US citizens are reasonably satisfied with the present economic position of the US compared to other countries of the world. We do not want government mandates to redistribute wealth and become a third world country ourselves. This is not to say that we should not have compassion on the underprivileged, whether they are members of our own US society or other country inhabitants, but it should not be forced upon us. We have a number of private organizations in the US that do good work for the underprivileged of the world. It is not up to the US government to engage in any practice involving a redistribution of wealth.
       I also wonder whether members of Congress are so weak in their belief of US supremacy and are so disinterested in their jobs that they are willing to pass along their responsibility to the United Nations.
       Let's keep the sovereignty of the US intact. While we have difficult internal problems, we resolve these ourselves, and we don't need a higher power other than God to tell us what we should be doing.

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