Thursday, April 1, 2010

UN Needs Climate Control to Establish World Government

E-mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Copenhagen Accord Climate Pledges Too Weak, UN Says, More than 110 countries have signed up to the Copenhagen Accord on fighting global warming but the United Nations said that their pledges for cutting greenhouse gas emissions were insufficient. (".

As usual, we have to consider motivations in order to properly interpret such comments.

The objective of the UN Administration is to develop a world government, in which they are in charge. To do this effectively, it is necessary to reduce the power of developed countries. This is similar to the program of the Obama Administration, which daily reduces the power of its citizens,

One of the most effective ways to reduce the power of a developed country is to reduce its reliance on energy. The UN wants atmospheric carbon dioxide control, because this automatically reduces use of fossil fuels, which finally reduces a country's Gross Domestic Production (GDP).

If you want to help the UN establish a world government, you need to vote for as many hindrances to the use of fossil fuels as possible. However, I believe you are interested in maintaining maximum financial power of the US and its citizens. Therefore, I suggest you stay away from climate change legislation, as if it were the plague. In addition, I believe you should take an active part in killing it in the Congress. You can do this through political appeal to maintain US supremacy and use scientific support showing that atmospheric carbon dioxide has no effect on global warming.

If you really want to hinder the US attempt to establish world government, you will also need to fight their attempts to control carbon dioxide emissions, since this is their most powerful weapon in reducing the US to a Third World country.

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