Sunday, March 7, 2010

Congress Must Restrain the EPA on Climate Change

E-mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Lawmakers Move to Restrain EPA on Climate Change. As climate change legislation stalled in the Senate, the Obama administration noted that it had a workable -- although admittedly unwieldy -- Plan B. If Congress wouldn't cap U.S. emissions, officials said, the Environmental Protection Agency would do it instead. (".

Good move, if you are really restraining EPA on climate change. Up to now EPA has been following the dictates of the Obama Administration. They're both trying to control something they know nothing about. The only thing that is certain is that it will cost an additional tremendous amount of money, if they continue with the controls.

Congress originally set up the EPA. As Bill Cosby said to his son, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out". President Obama has been usurping your power bit by bit. This may be a place to set the mark in the dirt. Tell the EPA what they must do. That is, not be a political activist for the Obama Administration, but rather get back to scientific investigations and controls for the benefit of the US population.

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