Friday, December 11, 2009

On-Going Copenhagen Conference

E-mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "Copenhagen Climate Summit Releases Draft Final Text. Rich countries are being asked to raise their pledges on tackling climate change under draft text of a possible final deal at the Copenhagen summit. A document prepared by one of the summit's chairmen calls on developed nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25-45% from 1990 levels by 2020. (".

"Rich countries" is undoubtedly intended to include the United States, even though we likely have more government debt than any other country and are operating at a substantial annual budget deficit.

"Raise their pledges" undoubtedly means contribute more dollars to so-called underdeveloped countries. Remember, that the underdeveloped countries also want cash in hand before any observance of catastrophe. Remember also, that the whole objective of this exercise is to equalize assets on a worldwide basis to the disadvantage of the American taxpayer.

"Calls on developed nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions" means US cutting energy usage, so that it tries to compete worldwide with one hand tied behind its back.

I have several time scientifically shown that carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels makes no significant contribution to global warming.

Kill this hoax. It has no factual merit and will do substantial economic harm to the US.

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